
We supply many flooring options, the best being raised cassette flooring suitable for high profile events such as product launches and private VIP parties. We also have available carpet with a PVC under lay for a more cost effective result. Kitchen and work areas are often fitted with PVC sheets. ( Available for our marquees only )



Carpet image

Carpet from a wide variety of colour choices can be supplied new to you event, this look particularly good on a raised cassette floor, obviously where budget is a restricting factor matting ( pre used carpet when available - this is normally a darker colour...

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Wooden image

Raised cassette flooring ensures a smooth finish underfoot and irons out unevenness in the natural ground. Covered with colour chosen carpet it gives an almost permanent feel to the structure and ideal for weddings and evening events where high heels worn....

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Vinyl Flooring

Vinyl Flooring image

Slip resistant - suitable for all event areas £8.00 per square metre. ( Available for our marquees only )

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